become a business member

our commitments to joining


what does it mean to join us as a business member?

  1. Publicly and prominently declare

    there is a climate, ecological and social emergency reflecting the ethos/ wording of this manifesto set out by Business Declares in your statement, and state that you are joining Business Declares.

  2. Publish your science-based transition/ impact plan

    (and update annually thereafter highlighting progress) within 6 months of joining Business Declares. This should include:

    • interim actions to reduce your emissions by 50% by 2030, in absolute terms, (scopes 1,2,3) from a baseline of no earlier than 2015 and longer-term plans to achieve real net zero GHGs by 2050 or before, without offsetting in line with Race To Zero criteria, with the results of these actions published annually through an appropriate reporting tool.

    • actions to positively impact nature/ biodiversity with a focus on where your business can have the most material impact; and

    • actions to positively impact the social/ racial justice dimension with a focus on where your business can have the most material impact.

  3. Advocate for change,

    supporting aligned campaigns:

    • Business Declares advocacy efforts, by engaging with the Business Declares’ network;

    • other advocacy campaigns that promote action and change in line with the ethos and sentiment of your declaration, and sectoral transition pathways (e.g. 2030 Climate Solutions); and

    • by not supporting campaigns or campaigning bodies that are misaligned.

For further, in-depth detail into our commitments, best practice principles and fundamental beliefs, read The Business Declares Manifesto.

Hear from business leaders and business people at the Queue for Climate & Nature on why they have come to show business support for accelerated, authentic action on climate and nature…

Many thanks to Matt Golding from Business Stand Up for capturing the action on the day and creating this film.

Live from the Queue for Climate and Nature: Former COP26 Climate Champion, Sustainable Future For All and advisory panel to Business Declares, Charles Perry

Live from the Queue for Climate and Nature: Business Declares Director Ben Tolhurst

Ahead of COP28, Business Leaders including Nick Martell-Bundock and Zoe Ruthven from Business Declares business members, Café Direct and Triodos Bank UK respectively, delivered a petition with 2000 signatures from UK business leaders; calling on Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to specifically end new fossil fuel developments, take action to protect and restore nature, halt further decline by 2030 and rapidly scale up investment in renewables.

Our petition was also delivered to Parliament by Head of the Net Zero review, Rt Hon Chris Skidmore MP.

Other attendees to 10 Downing Street included Fiona Ellis, Samantha Cooper, Business Declares; Charles Perry, Sustainable Future For All and advisory panel to Business Declares; Charlotte Sewell, Business Stand Up.

The first step is declaring the Climate and Ecological Emergency on your website and social media alongside membership to Business Declares. This must be backed by meaningful action and needs to be supported by the Board, Executive Team and lead to engagement of all employees and stakeholders. We encourage a business to write a declaration to resonate with their purpose. See the declaration from Red-Inc as an example and please do get in touch to discuss.

We ask you to share a simple one page Climate Positive Plan within 3 months of joining us — to showcase your pathway to Net Zero and any future commitments/ barriers to still overcome. This is an excellent way for us to share your journey to inspire others. See the Pukka Climate Plan.

The aim of Business Declares is to support businesses in declaring a climate and ecological emergency, helping you to take purposeful action to reach carbon neutrality and to add your voice to our resounding call from business for change. Join us to become a member of the UN Race to Zero through our official partnership.


thinking of joining us?

We welcome all organisations, big and small, that are authentic about taking climate action.

Whether your organisation is starting out on their climate transition or have already committed to net zero plans – please contact us at or fill out the form to the right to register your organisation’s interest in joining us.

Let us know how we can best support in accelerating your transition.

Add your business voice to our resounding, collective call for urgent change.