frequently asked questions
about business membership
Being bold & radical
Embedding change at Board level
Having clear, bold commitments that accelerate action
Demonstrating proven action on those commitments
No, however we are a volunteer organisation and would appreciate donations of time, people or contributions to support events.
We cover all sectors and celebrate action across industry.We do reserve the right as an organisation to not allow businesses to declare with us, if they are significantly contributing to global heating through their core business model unless they are completely re-thinking their business model. Organisations who are involved in activities which cause great ecological harm and are not making significant plans to change would also not be able to join.
Please review the details here and supply information on your declaration. We will confirm to if and when you have been added you to the site.
We ask companies to share their transition plans within 6 months of declaring. Companies are asked to be transparent on the targets they are setting and their progress towards them. If actions are not being taken, we will review your presence on this website.
about Business Declares
We bring networks and businesses together in pursuit of the common purpose, such that talking about and taking action on climate and ecological breakdown becomes mainstream right across the business sector and the work of Business Declares is no longer needed.
This is a global campaign. Business Declares has started in London, UK and launched on September 20th 2019. You can declare from wherever you are in the world. Please tell us when you have declared so we can keep highlight your leadership and publicise the growing movement towards carbon neutrality.
We understand the need for protest on climate breakdown both by youth and adults. We have been inspired by the leadership shown by Extinction Rebellion in raising the profile of the climate emergency and initially started this campaign as a result of protest in April in London, UK. We are a separate independent organisation focused on working with business.
supporting Business Declares
Yes, we are keen to grow our network to ensure we get the widest reach and influence for action.
Please review the details here and supply information on your plans. We will confirm when you have been added to the site. If you wish to discuss how you join and how to start the journey towards declaring please contact us on
We hold webinars and events to connect businesses to share best practice and progress in confidential forums. Do contact us if you wish to make contact with other companies on our email
have a different question?
please get in touch using the contact form below