strategic partners
our ecosystem of influential leaders who we are collaborating with to amplify action and galvanise a collective voice for urgent change
Paul Polman, former CEO, Unilever PLC
John Elkington, Co-Founder & Louise Kjellerup Roper, CEO, Volans Ventures Ltd
Gerbrand Haverkamp, Executive Director of the World Benchmarking Alliance
Rupert Read & Liam Kavanagh, Directors, Climate Majority Project
Bevis Watts, CEO, Triodos Bank UK
Dr Steve Waygood, Aviva Investors
Fergus Garrett, CEO and Head Gardener, Great Dixter House and Gardens
Oliver Greenfield, Convenor, Green Economy Coalition
Lizzie Rivera, CPO, Live Frankly
Charmian Love & Amanda Feldman, Co-Founders, Heliotropy Ltd
Sophie Marple, Chair, Climate Coalition
Kay Michael, Co-founder & Director, Letters to the Earth
Hannah Cox, Director, Better Business Network
Chris Davis, ex -CSO, The Body Shop International Ltd
Jannine Barron, Regenerative Business Mentor
Laura Clarke, CEO, ClientEarth
Chris Turner, Executive Director BLab UK
Dylan Tanner, Founder & Exec Director,Influence Map
Professor Tim Jackson, Director of CUSP
Jojo Mehta, Chief Executive Stop Ecocide International
Nick Robins Professor Sustainable Finance LSE, Co-founder Carbon Tracker and Planet Tracker
David Hayman, Campaign Director, Make My Money Matter
Amy McDonnell, Co-Director Zero Hour (CAN Bill)
Adam Bastock Founder Small99 + People Planet Pint
Charles Perry, Founder, Sustainable Future for All
James Perry, Partner, Snowball LLP
Sir Tim Smit, Founder of The Eden Project, Executive Chairman of Eden Regeneration Ltd
Diana Verde Nieto, CEO and Co-founder, Positive Luxury Ltd
Andy Middleton, Founder & Chief Exploration Officer, TYF Group
Dr Simon Mair, Lecturer in Sustainability, University of York
Michelle Miles, Founder of the Sustainable Wedding Alliance
how to support us
We recognise that declaring might not be an option for some businesses. As an alternative, your business can be an official supporter of Business Declares and you can showcase your journey to help others start theirs:
be a role model to help inspire urgent action – demonstrate leadership on climate action and add you voice to our collective call for change
showcase the challenges & practical steps business can take in their effort to become climate conscious
support Business Declares by having our logo on your website and use social media to showcase your support
support and co-host events where possible