Better Business Act
Business Declares is an official supporter of the Better Business Act alongside the 550+ companies who have signed up for a cleaner, greener, fairer future for all. To achieve this we must transform the role of business.
The BBA mission is to change UK law to make sure that every single company in the UK aligns the interests of their shareholders with those of wider society and the environment. The objective is to amend Section 172 of the Companies Act in line with these principles.
The Better Business Act Parliamentary Reception took place on 14 April 2021. To find out more about the Act and the politicians across Westminster who are backing the campaign to change the law, click here to watch a recording of the event.
The world needs business at its best – creating good jobs, helping to fix pressing problems and adding value to society.
We urge our members and all businesses who haven't yet signed up to do so now at Better Business Act.