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Nature Connectedness for Climate Action and Nature Recovery

When people feel part of nature they tend to have a greater sense of meaning, and to behave in ways that are good for other people and good for the living world. This view is backed by strong scientific evidence and practical experience.

This means that if you can foster the sense of nature connectedness among your colleagues, they are more likely to support sustainability initiatives in your organisation – helping you develop and deliver results and make a difference.

In this short workshop, you will:

  • experience nature connectedness for yourself

  • learn how feeling part of nature affects people’s attitudes and behaviours

  • discuss how to foster nature connectedness to support your organisation’s climate and nature commitments

Expect an engaging and participative event, simultaneously deeply thought provoking and intensely practical.


  • Dr Carly Butler is a researcher at the Nature Connectedness Research Group at the University of Derby. She studies the factors and practices that improve human-nature relationships, and supports organisations and practitioners who help connect people with the more than human world.

  • Osbert Lancaster, director of Realise Earth, is a specialist in leadership for sustainability with 20+ years experience of supporting leaders and organisations develop and deliver sustainability strategies and initiatives. He works with nature connectedness to tap into and release the innate potential most of us have to care for each other and the living world.

15 March

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