Greentech declares!

Business Declares welcome Greentech to our network and we look forward to working more closely with them and our other members.

Read their full declaration:

All of us at Greentech are hugely proud to be part of Business Declares along with all the other participating businesses who acknowledge the Climate and Ecological Emergency.

We have all recognised that it is critical for humanity to evolve to a point where we can coexist with nature and the environment with minimal negative impact. Greentech, at its core, seeks to support and represent innovations that deliver immediate climate benefits and that integrate sustainably and sensibly into every aspect of our daily lives.

Our mission is to seek out and support ‘ecopreneurs’ (with investment and active promotion) so they can accelerate the delivery of their solutions to our portfolio of multinational clients and consumer networks. We are all about meaningful, deliverable outcomes that businesses and consumers alike can see the benefit of engaging with.


event recording -Business Declares & Tech Nation: inspiring action


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