October Newsletter

Whilst we may all be preoccupied with a focus on the continuing global coronavirus crisis, business and government also need to focus on the climate, ecological and social crisis. Much work is being done in preparation for COP 26 next year. We continue to support a range of initiatives and provide webinars which address the three urgent interlinked challenges - climate emergency, loss of biodiversity and social and racial justice.

  1. Upcoming events

  2. News

  3. How you can get involved

  4. Tell a buddy – bring someone else on board! 

Upcoming events

Strength and Diversity in the Workplace

5th November 12:30-2pm

Together with REAL Sustainability, this webinar will look at initiatives that address systemic racism in the workplace from fashion to construction.

Panelists include:

  • Caryn Franklin, MBE, Fashion and identity commentator

  • Kalkidan Legeese, Managing Director at Sancho's

  • Chenge Bobo, HR Lead for the Managed Services, JLL

  • Pascal Matthias, Co-founder of FACE: Fashion Academics Creating Equality

Book Tickets here: https://bit.ly/strengthanddiversity
Real Sustainability: https://realsustainability.org/

It's Time

17-18 November

Hosted by Ecologi, this FREE virtual festival of climate action will be opened by HRH Prince of Wales and is in collaboration with WWF.
It’s aimed at everyone from kids to CEOs, with various Stage and Tent areas including Main Stage, Innovation Stage, Arts & Community Tent, Sustainable Living Stage and Kids Tent. In light of the delay to COP26, this event is here to still share awareness about our role in the balance of our planet and nature.
Featuring over 100 speakers from grassroots organisations, activists, artists, innovators, kids, scientists and even comedians.

Check out our Business Declares speakers, Ben Tolhurst and Safia Minney!

Book tickets here: https://itstime.earth/
Speakers: https://itstime.earth/speakers


Race to Zero

We’re delighted to have been accepted to join as a partner with Race to Zero, the global UN umbrella campaign to rally leadership and support from businesses, cities, regions, investors committing to achieving net zero (NZ) carbon emissions ahead of COP26 in November 2021. We will be writing to members of Business Declares about what this means shortly including the details of our new partnership.
Check out the UNFCCC: Race-to-Zero-November-dialogues 9-19th Nov   


We're working in partnership with one of our fantastic members at Business Declares, DoNation. We're asking for pledges from individuals that will help the planet, your health and sometimes even your wallet. From cutting down on meals containing meat to switching who you bank with, everyone can get involved at an individual level.

Make a pledge here (however small): Join Business Declares: Act & Inspire

CEE Bill

We are pleased to announce a range of declared companies who are part of our network, including Body Shop, Ecology Building Society, Positive Luxury, Bates Well LLP, and Wholegrain Digital have supported the Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill, which was presented to Parliament by Caroline Lucas, Green MP, in September. This initiative was initially led by members of Extinction Rebellion and the Big Ask campaign which was instrumental in delivering the Climate Change Act. 

There will be a Parliamentary launch on November 9th at 6pm with Caroline Lucas, which Kate Raworth will be joining as a speaker. For more details of the launch and to book tickets contact www.ceebill.uk as tickets will be available from Monday 2 November.

There is still time to support as a company with your logo, and for further updates please contact Fiona Ellis.

Watch this space

We are planning a webinar in December for Businesses to find out more and discuss the challenges involved for business in having a carbon budget.

We continue to lend our support to:

Tech Nation New Zero

We are supporting a government-backed Tech Nation Net Zero initiative, launched by Secretary of State Alok Sharma. It is the first of its kind, designed to accelerate the growth of the UK’s most promising Net Zero scale ups. The programme comes at a critical moment, with Covid-19 highlighting the key role played by technology in aiding a green recovery to the crisis and the importance of building a sustainable future. We will be giving a presentation to the start up cohort early next year.  For more information on the initiative see the links below.

Tech Nation Homepage: https://technation.io/
The Net Zero Programme: https://technation.io/programmes/net-zero/
(E)Mission New Zero, Scaling up to the challenge: https://hopin.to/events/e-mission-net-zero-scaling-up-to-the-challenge

Race to Zero

Finally we’re also supporting and facilitating at meetings of the Race to Zero Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Finance (IPCF). This important initiative, backed by Steve Waygood at Aviva Investors, aims to align international financial flows with climate science in the run up to COP26. For more information contact Fiona Ellis fiona.ellis18@gmail.com

Recent Events

Net zero, regenerative places: how can the construction industry be part of the solution?

Oct 6th 12-13.30

We had a fascinating discussion with over 60 people attend the panel discussion on October 6th on how the construction industry can work with Finance and Investment to achieve Net Zero on 6th October 2020 12-13.30 . We partnered with Architects Declare and thanks to our who speakers included Tara Gbolade (Architect & Co-Founder of Gbolade Design Studio), Edward Dixon (Head of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG), Real Assets at Aviva).

Check out the amazing graphic below that was created to capture the discussion


Get involved: Book a Climate Emergency Workshop

The Climate and ecological breakdown are getting more press coverage than ever before, but many people feel increasingly overwhelmed and don’t know where to start. If you’re interested in helping your colleagues navigate these challenging times, and help accelerate change, book a Business Declares workshop. 

We have developed a concise 2-hour workshop format with pragmatic steps to help navigate these complex challenges as both employees and individuals.  The workshops are delivered by business professionals at Business Declares, all of whom have significant and wide-ranging experience across multiple sectors.  Find out more and book a workshop here.

In addition, you can support us by:

  1. Declaring

  2. Donating

  3. Volunteering 

  4. Joining a webinar

  5. Spreading the word — please follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn.

To keep this campaign going in this critical decade of climate action, we need your help. Thank you.

Who will you bring on board?

Can you help spread the word about our campaign and bring someone else on board to Declare? Will you contact one person to encourage them to join our campaign and take climate action today? 

Please help us reach more people. Share the website, invite them to our next webinar or tweet about us far and wide. If everyone tells one person about our campaign we’ll be well on the way to creating a cross-industry movement of climate leaders.

Edward Flach

Scientist, slacker. Sometime developer.


Supporting Tech Nation


Newsletter September 2020