Peel L&P Joins!

In action on climate change is the biggest risk facing business. At Peel L&P we understand our responsibility to play a significant role in reducing climate change and providing a net gain for biodiversity, and we are proud to join like-minded businesses in taking authentic climate action through membership of Business Declares.

We devote our energy to accomplishing great things, not for their own sake or ours, but for those who come after. Our purpose is to help people and places to realise possibility and our ambitions are for a more prosperous, sustainable future for all. Climate change affects everyone, but few have the opportunity, the desire and the ability to deliver real transformation that drives real change.

As the owners and managers of over 12 million sq. ft of property and 20,000 acres of land and water, Peel L&P is able to have a significant impact on the UK’s climate resilience. Through renewable and low carbon technologies like wind turbines, hydrogen and district heat networks, we are helping to enable a climate resilient future for all. We are building much needed sustainably designed, low carbon homes, we’ve verified 16 offices as net zero carbon in operation (as defined by the UK Green Building Council) and we voluntarily incorporate a 10% net gain for biodiversity into our new developments as standard.

Yet true sustainability is about more than climate. Over the last year we have taken significant steps towards embedding Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) into the fabric of our business by placing ESG key performance indicators on a level with financial targets. Our projects will target reduced carbon emissions, enhanced biodiversity and greater social value and, importantly, we will work in partnership with our own people and our diverse range of stakeholders to make this happen.

We look forward to learning from other Business Declares members and sharing our own knowledge. Our website holds resources that we hope are useful to all, and to add to this we look forward to sharing a Climate Positive Plan by January 2022.


KAIA Clothing Joins!
