
Business Declares are proud to be a part of and supporting the initiative, Walk2COP27, which sets out to accelerate climate action in the run-up to COP27. Its purpose is to build mass participation and engagement: bringing people together from different countries, informing and educating, building solidarity, and creating connections. 

Walk2COP27 is based around a virtual journey from Glasgow (host city for COP26) to Sharm El-Sheikh (host city for COP27). There are 12 countries between Scotland and Egypt hosting a hybrid or virtual Townhall meeting that showcases the way climate change is impacting that location and the solutions that are being deployed. 

Walk2COP27 is open to participants from around the globe. Organisations, teams and individuals can participate by tracking their kilometres travelled on an app in their own locations. Trees will be planted by the Jane Goodall Institute for kilometres travelled (walked / run / cycled or travelled in a wheelchair).

Participants can share their climate-related projects, and learn from others via the planned Townhall meetings, a participants’ forum on Clubhouse, and social media. 

Towards the end of our journey, participants will contribute to a proclamation which will be delivered to the formal participants at COP27.

How you can participate

The journey starts on the 22 September with the Glasgow Townhall. Participants can register on the app, atlasGO and join a team from 1st September.

Follow the steps to register on the atlasGO app here. An in-depth how-to-guide is also available here.

Once the journey starts participants will be able to: 

  • Have trees planted on their behalf by tracking the distance they travel up to 6th November 2022.

  • Communicate with their team on the app and see how others are progressing.

  • Participate in the 12 Townhalls which are run across the 45 days.

  • Lead or participate in sessions on climate action on Clubhouse run by participants.

  • Raise funds for the Jane Goodall Institute.

  • Contribute to a proclamation summarising the views of all those participating for COP27 delegates to hear. 

Participants can do as much or as little as you want. Many are planning local activities to complement those above.

Business Declares will take part by hosting 2 sessions on Clubhouse, focused on decarbonisation and climate justice respectively, which are some of the key outcomes that Walk2COP27 view climate action to encompass.


Business Declares: Three Years On


Case Study: Brabners and Kingsdale Head Peat Restoration Project